Post archive
Songwriting lesson: how to write a bridge
There’s no formula for constructing a bridge, but taking a close look inside some classic songs can help you get started.
Guitar basics lesson: muting
The first job of playing acoustic guitar is to make those strings ring, with a clear and rich tone. The second is to make them stop.
Five starting points for songwriting
Inspiration may be impossible to define or control or predict, but that doesn’t mean that we have to just sit around idly waiting for it.
How to unlock I-IV-V progressions
The skeleton key for countless songs in folk, country, rock, blues, and beyond.
Simple chord substitutions
Swapping out a chord or two can really liven up a progression and also help you discover new melodic ideas to sing on top.
Chord progressions in minor keys
A songwriter’s guide, continued. (See the lesson on major keys.)
Low tunings guitar lesson
Get some of that alternate-tuning mojo without straying too far from standard tuning.