Play Guitar Like the Great Singer-Songwriters
Book/video from Acoustic Guitar magazine
In-depth lessons on the guitar styles of Joni Mitchell, John Prine, Bruce Cockburn, Bill Withers, Joan Armatrading, and more
By Jeffrey Pepper Rodgers, Adam Levy, Adam Perlmutter, and Mac Randall
Video downloads included
Print or digital edition available from Acoustic Guitar
The world of popular music is filled with singer-songwriters who are not just brilliant wordsmiths but distinctive guitarists, and this eclectic guide covers some of the very best.
Here you will learn how these musicians support their songs with inventive accompaniment in a wide range of styles, tunings, and techniques—and pick up many ideas you can try in your own songwriting.
In these 14 in-depth lessons by Jeffrey Pepper Rodgers, Adam Levy, Adam Perlmutter, and Mac Randall, with examples based on classic songs, you will learn to play like:
Joan Armatrading (JPR)
Joan Baez (JPR)
Bruce Cockburn (JPR)
John Denver (JPR)
Nick Drake (AP)
Bob Dylan (AL)
Joni Mitchell (JPR)
Willie Nelson (AL)
John Prine (JPR)
Paul Simon (AL)
Richard Thompson (MR)
Lucinda Williams (JPR)
Bill Withers (JPR)
Neil Young (AL)
The book includes downloadable video of all the examples.